Giftedness and Magical Thinking: How Magical Is It?
How many of us gifted pattern-finders and meaning-makers have been accused of magical thinking or something similar such as apophenia?
Giftedness and Magical Thinking: How Magical Is It?
Complex Trauma, cPTSD, and Gifted Neurodivergence
Is Giftedness a Neurodivergence?
Discovering Giftedness (Part 3)
Gifted Needs and Tabletop Roleplaying Games: The Hows and Whys from a Neurodivergent Dungeon Master
What Gifted Means: A View Beyond Defining
Dragasaurus and Extroverting as a Gifted Introvert
Writing About Writing About Giftedness & Trauma
Finding Out I'm Gifted
Confidence and Humility
Listening Efficiently to Gifted Kids
OEs- Original Equipment
Overexcitability. Is it a Thing?
Gifted Compensation
Bright Insight- What is it All About?