Navigating Relationships as a Gifted Individual
There it was - finally proof that I was intuiting correctly. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been dismissed or told that I was crazy.
Navigating Relationships as a Gifted Individual
On Movement: A Becoming
Finding My Meaning
Discovering Giftedness (Part 3)
Discovering Giftedness (Part 1)
Another Crazy Dream with Interpretation
Gifted Needs and Tabletop Roleplaying Games: The Hows and Whys from a Neurodivergent Dungeon Master
PDA: Persistent (&or Pervasive) Drive for Autonomy
The Pain Point: Between Too Much and Not Enough
Walking the Line Between Motivation and Discipline
Battling the Impostor
The Power of De-Identification to Unleash Our True Potential
Difficult Gift of the Genie Durak
A Dream About Individuation
The Heart of Creativity